(from here)
Have you ever noticed how lol looks like a little dude with his arms in the air?
Only one can prevail.
Click any link in this post to visit the comic, then click the leaf or mug to vote.
Some folks want to remember his horrible death. I'd rather remember his movie reviews.
This is from Roy, the creator of Minitoons.
It's a battle of the absolutely arbitrary. At first, "A" took the lead. Now, "B" is making quite a comeback.
There should be no reason to prefer one over the other. But is there? Cast your vote today.
The Dude Goes To Linux series is a 16 part comic tutorial for installing Linux. The 909 site now has a series feature which will allow me to index comics that are part of a miniseries. Check it out:
There are 11 parts as of the time of this posting. There are other miniseries as well and I'll add these when I get a chance.